
Showing posts from September, 2022
Today's post by DANNY : DE HEK is "Scammed by HyperVerse? Who owns HyperVerse & HyperNation? Start Legal Action to recover your Crypto!" Take legal action against the whales Ryan Xu and Sam Lee as they are the ones that set up the platform to enable the crime and made claims to give rewards. Hello welcome. You're listening to the WHAT : DE HEK Podcast, or you may be watching the Danny de Hek YouTube channel. Have you been scammed by HyperVerse? Do you know what HyperVerse is? Do you know who owns HyperVerse or HyperNation? Well, there's a lot of people out there at the moment. They, you want to take legal action. Against the company. It's a Ponzi scheme. It's not even really a company, even though they did start from a company called HyperTech group, they don't actually have any company. So the company founders were, what we've been told were actually two people. And that was Ryan Xu in Sam Lee. so recently I've been hanging out on Telegram...